What to do: Before, During, & After a Hurricane

Hurricanes: What to do before, during and after

With multiple systems ongoing, The Portier Agency would like to share helpful tips on what to do if you find yourself in the path.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, when an average of 6.3 hurricanes hit the United States every year. With a sustained wind speed of at least 74 mph, the aftermath of these large, tropical storms can be devastating. Therefore, it’s important to follow certain safety procedures before, during and after a hurricane.

Before a storm rolls in, create a hurricane evacuation plan. List the routes you will need to take to evacuate and designate a place to stay.

Also, make a plan for communication. Determine how your family and friends will stay in contact and how you will get emergency alerts. In addition to television and radio notifications, your community may offer text or email emergency notification systems.

And if you haven’t already, create a disaster supplies kit, stocked with items like food, bottled water, first aid supplies and a flashlight.

To continue reading, visit this Grange article.


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